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  • 30 Quotes on Celebrating Life, Being Grateful and Enjoying Every Day for What It Brings

    Life is not meant to be spent in misery or frustration, let go of what you have no control over and make the changes you need to so you can live your life the way you want to, be grateful for everyday and get on with celebrating life! Let these 30 Quotes inspire you to enjoy every day 1. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. – Oprah Winfrey 2. Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin and an antiseptic. - John Henry Jowett 3. When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive – to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. – Marcus Aurelis 4. Don't let the sun go down without saying thank you to someone, and without admitting to yourself that absolutely no one gets this far alone. – Stephen King 5. If you want to be on speaking terms with happiness, learn the language of gratitude. – Unknown 6. Be grateful for what you have and stop complaining - it bores everybody else, does you no good, and doesn't solve any problems. – Zig Ziglar 7. In a society that has you counting money, pounds, calories and steps, be a rebel and count your blessings instead. – Lisa Heckman 8. Gratitude is one of the most powerful human emotions. Once expressed, it changes attitude, brightens outlook, and broadens our perspective. – Germany Kent 9. There is always something to be grateful for. - Unknown 10. Contentment is not the fulfilment of what you want, but the realisation of how much you already have. – Unknown 11. When I wake up in the morning, I like to express my gratitude for being on the planet. That gratefulness makes me very present. - Trudie Styler 12. As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. - John F. Kennedy 13. I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder. - Gilbert K. Chesterton 14. He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not but rejoices for those which he has. – Epictetus 15. Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude. – Deepak Chopra 16. If you want to find happiness, find gratitude. – Steve Maraboli 17. Thank you is the best prayer that anyone could say. I say that one a lot. Thank you expresses extreme gratitude, humility, understanding. – Alice Walker 18. It is not joy that makes us grateful, it is gratitude that makes us joyful. - David Steindl-rast 19. Acknowledging the good you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance. – Eckhart Tolle 20. The soul that gives thanks can find comfort in everything; the soul that complains can find comfort in nothing. - Hannah Whitall Smith 21. My day begins with gratitude and joy. I look forward with enthusiasm to the adventures of the day, knowing that in my life, all is good. – Louise Hay 22. Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary. - Margaret Cousins 23. The heart that gives thanks is a happy one, for we cannot feel thankful and unhappy at the same time. - Douglas Wood 24. Gratitude is the fairest blossom which springs from the soul. - Henry Ward Beecher 25. When I fill my soul with gratitude, my light shines brighter and my love spreads wider. - Julie Richmond 26. Be content with what you have, rejoice in the way things are – when you realise there is nothing lacking, the whole world belongs to you. – Lao Tzu 27. When we focus on our gratitude, the tide of disappointment goes out and the tide of love rushes in. - Kristin Armstrong 28. Gratitude unlocks all that’s blocking us from really feeling truthful, really feeling authentic and vulnerable and happy. - Gabrielle Bernstein 29. The miracle of gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see. - Dr. Robert Holden 30. If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily. - Gerald Good I hope you enjoyed these 30 Quotes on Celebrating Life, Being Grateful and Enjoying Every Day for What It Brings. Don't forget to save them to your Pinterest board for later :) Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Remember, You Are Better Than You Think You Are

    Some of you may have noticed that I always sign my blogs of with ‘Remember, You Are Better Than You Think You Are xx’ and I thought it time I tell the story behind it. Far too many of us underestimate ourselves, our abilities, our achievements, our capabilities, our leadership, our ideas, our creativity, our skills, resources, experiences, talents, powers, visions, capacities, imagination, thoughts, dreams, successes, triumphs, accomplishments etc. We focus on what is ‘wrong’ with us and not what is right with us. We focus on our failings and failures, our mistakes and errors and these create the image we have of ourselves. We end up living a life that we look back on wishing we had done more, seen more, tried more, experienced more, and achieved more. When you were really little you believed that anything was possible, as you grew and listened to others limiting beliefs you took them on as your own... That’s when we start to second guess what we can and cannot do, we become concerned with what others think of us, we get scared of failing so don’t try. We stay in our comfort zone never following our dreams, get a job not because we love it but just because it pays the bills and then we dread Monday mornings. We don’t live our life. ‘You Are Better Than You Think You Are’ almost became a mantra in my house, trying to get my children understand that they can do anything they put their minds to, including long division. When either one of my two wonderful children were doubting themselves and their abilities and I was helping them and giving them words on encouragement I always ended my words with ‘you are better than you think you are’. Sometimes they would scoff, sometimes they would laugh and sometimes, sometimes I could see them taking in what I was actually telling them. These are the times I knew I was finally getting through to them just how wonderfully capable they are. They are grown-ups now, but I still find myself reminding them. When I started my blog I didn’t know how I wanted to sign off each article, I thought about what message I would like to get out there to everyone that came to my website. Then it dawned on me that everyone who comes to my website is probably looking for the same thing I was looking for when I needed change in my life. I thought about what I needed to hear back then and what I still need reminding of sometimes… I hope you enjoyed reading 'Remember, You Are Better Than You Think You Are.' don't forget to Save it to your Pinterest boards for later :) Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Learn to Distance Yourself from Negativity and Achieve Inner Peace

    Negativity can become all-consuming, it can seep in from negative people and the negative environments they create when you’re not looking. The cortisol they are emitting from their pores can spread to you, wreaking havoc on your mood and positivity. Learn how to recognise toxic people and how to protect yourself from the effects they create. Some are obvious and are quite clearly toxic/negative, others masquerade as positive people and get you with little doses, gradually increasing the intensity and how often they hit you with it. They are toxic but quite often hide it behind faked laughter or smiles. These ones are the most dangerous because in between the toxic hits they will be charming and may even seem fun to be with, when in reality they are in fact belittling you, undermining you and playing you. (Tip. Pay attention to what they say and what they do, and not on what they say they do.) If you can, then create a physical distance from the negativity if you can’t do that straight away, learn to be so positive you can distance yourself even whist in its presence. Here are 31 Quotes to help you to distance yourself from the negativity and achieve inner peace. 1. Learning to distance yourself from all the negativity is one of the greatest lessons to achieve inner peace. - Roy T Bennett 2. The one that broke you cannot heal you. - Najwa Zebian 3. Being a good person has nothing to do with allowing people to destroy you. – Bryant McGill 4. Just because someone has been in your life for many years, doesn't mean there shouldn't be a point at which you finally decide to let go. - Wilfred James 5. When the flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment it grows in - not the flower. - Alexander Den Heijer 6. Don't let someone dim your light, simply because it's shining in their eyes. – Unknown 7. If you are lacking a positive environment, create one. – Brendon Burchard 8. Remove every toxic thing from your life, start from the roots. – Unknown 9. Be around people that make you want to be a better person, who make you feel good, make you laugh, and remind you what's important in life. – Germany Kent 10. As I got older, I started to cut out food that was bad for me. As I got wiser I did the same with people. - Steve Maraboli 11. Toxic environments are not the result of spontaneous bad fortune. They are the result of toxic leaders. – Unknown 12. Pick your battles. You don't have to show up to every argument you're invited to. – Mandy Hale 13. If people are doubting how far you can go, go so far that you can't hear them anymore. - Michelle Ruiz 14. Even if you cannot change all the people around you, you can change the people you choose to be around. - Roy T. Bennett 15. If your circle doesn’t motivate you, you are in the wrong one. – Unknown 16. Toxic people will not be changed by your kindness. Yes, be kind, but move on swiftly and let life be their educator. – Brendon Burchard 17. Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation; for 'tis better to be alone than in bad company. - George Washington 18. People in therapy are often in therapy to deal with the people in their lives who won't go to therapy. – Unknown 19. When people hurt you over and over think of them as sandpaper, they may scratch and hurt you a bit, but you end up polished and they end up useless. - Chris Colfer 20. If people are trying to bring you down, it only proves you are already above them. – Unknown 21. People will kill you over time, and how they'll kill you is with tiny, harmless phrases, like 'be realistic'. - Dylan Moran 22. You must find the courage to leave the table where respect is no longer being served. – Tene Edwards 23. Rest satisfied with doing well and leave others to talk of you as they please. – Pythagoras 24. Only people who are not happy with themselves are mean to others. Remember that. – Unknown 25. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy. – Unknown 26. Toxic is when they can't let you go but can't treat you right either. – Unknown 27. People inspire you, or they drain you. Pick them wisely. - Hans F Hansen 28. Surround yourself with positive people and situations and avoid negativity. - Doreen Virtue 29. How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. - Dr Wayne Dyer 30. Never stop being a good person because of bad people. – Unknown 31. I don't want to suffer, so excuse me if I remove myself from situations that suck all of my energy. - Sylvester McNutt I hope you enjoyed theses quotes on Learning to Distance Yourself from Negativity and Achieve Inner Peace don't forget to Save them to your Pinterest boards for later :) Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Why Your Future Self Will Thank You for Starting Your Positive Thinking Journey Today

    Not sure if you even need to change your thinking, think you are already a positive person? Try doing this for a week and see if you could benefit from starting your own positive thinking journey. One way of finding out how much negativity is floating around in your mind is to listen to what you say… how much is negative; how much is positive? Now listen to what you talk about, the language you use (positive or negative words – Such as, if someone asked you how you are, would you reply, ‘I’m good,’ ‘I’m okay,’ or ‘not bad’. Using two negative words to make a positive is keeping the answer at the bottom of the positivity scale. So not quite negative but not really a positive either. Do you talk about dreams and ideas, or do you talk about other people, judging their decisions? Do you find yourself complaining about anything and everything? Listening to who and what you talk about and the manner in which you do it will tell you a lot about how negative you really are – most people are surprised to discover just how much negativity is in them. · Discovering where your negative thoughts began, who helped put them there. · Why you talk to yourself so badly. · Why you believe that you are not capable of living any other life than the one you are currently living. Telling yourself to think positive thoughts without making these discoveries about yourself - without processing them and then letting the negative thoughts go will send you on an endless treadmill of positive affirmations with no real progress. And it because people do this that they say it doesn’t work and they give up and put it down. Depending on the depth of your negativing thoughts and how long they have been there, you may need some help to identify them and / or to release them from your mind. There are plenty of self-help books (see list below) out there to assist you and never rule out a therapy session or five, they can be invaluable for helping you to identity, work through and finally dispose of certain large, overpowering negative thoughts that have been rooted there for a long time. N.B You may well discover that certain family members have been instrumental in planting some or all of your negative thoughts, particularly those that have led to you believing that you aren’t good enough. Remember – and this is SO important – that blaming them, building resentment about their actions only serves to punish you more. The only reason we want/need to identify who it was is to confirm to ourselves that it is not our own thought. Once we know who it belongs to, we can let it go easier. We don’t even need to give it back to them, they already have enough negativity going on behind the scenes for them to have given it to you in the first place. Only hurt people hurt people. Whilst you are on the way to work your way through discovering and letting go the negativity holding you back, you can start getting on the positivity trail. Positive affirmations are a great way to get going so are positive quotes. I know of so many positive people who began their journey by scrolling through social media and finding a quote that resonated with them. Printing it off or copying it out and placing it in a spot they will see it every day such as: · Bathroom mirror · Fridge door · Screen saver on your laptop, computer, tablet, phone · Inside pantry door · Toilet door Anywhere you will see it regularly, the bathroom mirror was my favourite and still is. Ooh and screen savers. It was because I found them so inspiring, you know where you are and what you need to work on based on what ones are resonating with you at any given time, that I began my Instagram page. They helped me when I was at my lowest, and they still help and support me now. Positive self-help books, Blogs, You Tube videos, TED Talks… there is so much support for anyone beginning or continuing their Positive Thinking Journey. Cut yourself some slack and do not get caught up in the toxic positive messages. Such as you have to be happy all the time. No, you don’t. that is not what a positive thinker does at all. A positive thinker still has bad days, bad things still happen. They don’t just put on a happy face and pretend that all is well in the world. But they are much better equipped to deal with the negative things and challenges that life brings with it sometimes. There is plenty of help, support and ideas to get you on your way available on my website Whether you want positive affirmations, easy ways to start meditation, a beginners guide to de-cluttering, how gratitude can help you be more positive, daily exercises to get you out of your comfort zone and even how Harry Potter can help you on your quest to become a positive thinker are all found here along with much more. Oh... and don't forget to check out the free down loadable word searches on the fun stuff tab or to order a copy of my book Positive Thinking for Beginners You can also drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Change Your Daily Habits – Change Your Life

    Starting to make the changes to turn your life into the positive, happy, fun, successful, loving life you want to life can feel overwhelming and we tend to feel that it’s the big changes that are going to make the difference. But if you change careers or end relationships, move home, or any other big change without making the smaller changes such as your daily habits, you will just end up swapping one negative thing for another one. “People do not decide their futures, they decide their habits and their habits decide their futures.” - F. M. Alexander It’s your daily habits that sway the direction your life is going in. Making changes to your daily habits may sound easy and something you can fix quickly, but remember a habit it something you do habitually, you do it unconsciously because you have done it time and time again and probably at the same time each day. To change your daily habits, you are going to have to make a conscious effort to change them. It can take doing something new 28 times before it becomes ‘normal’ for you. What changes do you need to make? How do you know what things to change? Think about your daily routine and think about what you do that is leading you to the life you want and what is holding you back or taking you in the wrong direction. “Old habits won't open new doors.” - Unknown Think about how you want your life to look, what does future you do to sustain this wonderful life you have created? What can you introduce to your life today that future you does every day? Making these small changes won’t change your life over night but they will support you when you make the big changes and you start to go for your life goals. You will be well equipped to adjust to new things and be courageous enough to try things you have never tried before. Do you use your time wisely? Are you learning what you need to learn to get to where you want to be? Or are you sitting in front of the TV wishing your life was more interesting? We each have a choice of how we spend our time and if you are happy then keep doing what you love to do but if it’s not making you happy it’s not right for you and you have just fallen into bad habits. That’s okay because bad habits can be changed into good habits that do make you happy or at least lead you to what you want. Whether it’s getting up off the couch to do some exercise or turning off the TV to read a book or turning the TV over from the repeats of an old sitcom to a TED Talk or a documentary on a subject you enjoy and what to know more about. It may be getting up earlier in the morning, listening to motivational podcasts, eating healthier, giving up smoking or drinking, learning to meditate, starting a journal, losing weight, gaining muscle, learning a new skill, spending more time on self-care, getting outside more, de-cluttering your home/mind, some, or all of the above and some others I haven’t listed… Only you know what habits are not helping you and deep down you know what you need to add into your life to make it what you want. Things to remember when you start to change your daily habits… 1. Habits can be difficult to break, so don’t beat yourself up if you don’t succeed straight away, just keep going it will happen if you don’t give up. 2. It’s easier to create a new habit if you make it fun, so make the process as fun as possible. 3. If you find yourself putting up resistance, you need to stop, reset your mind with why you are making the change, and when you feel positive about it (with no resistance) try again. 4. As it starts to feel easier remind yourself that the only reason it feel easier is because you have got better at it. 😊 5. Congratulate yourself on a job well done! I hope you enjoyed reading Change Your Daily Habits – Change Your Life don't forget to Save this to your Pinterest boards for later :) Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners Related posts: Why Letting Go of Your Old Limiting Beliefs is Paramount to Your Well-being. 3 Things You Can Do Each Day to Get the Best Out of Yourself 27 Quotes on Attitude and Why Yours Matters

  • 27 Awesome Quotes on Attitude and Why Yours Matters

    Attitude is one of those things some people get very defensive about. If someone tells us that we have a bad attitude, we often try to blame the situation or another person for giving us the attitude or that we are just responding to their negativity. But in truth, we are completely in control of our attitude. People and situations can only change our attitude when we allow it to. We have the power to control and choose our attitude and how we react and respond to life’s challenges. Our attitude also affects our outlook on life, our beliefs, our future, our health and wellbeing and our over all happiness. If you want to change your attitude into a positive one, you have to make a conscious decision to do so and if you find your old negative attitude trying to creep it’s way back in – you can choose not to allow it by reminding yourself that you are in charge of your attitude and negativity isn’t welcome in your life. Yes, I am aware of just how easy I have made it sound J and I know it is not always easy to change your attitude, but with practice and determination you can do it and your life will be all the better for it. Over time, it becomes much easier to notice when your attitude is negative making it so much easier to make the switch to positive. It’s like any skill you learn, focus and practice and you’ll get there. In the meantime, here are 27 Quotes on attitude to help inspire you to adopt or maintain a positive attitude so you can get on with living your best life. 1. Happiness is an attitude. We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong. The amount of work is the same. -Francesca Reigler 2. You are always in control of your life as regards to your attitude towards it. You can have a positive attitude, or you can have a negative attitude. -Bob Monkhouse 3. The greatest discovery of all time is that a person can change his future by merely changing his attitude. - William James 4. Stay positive - the only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. -Dennis S. Brown 5. Enthusiasm is the greatest asset in the world. It beats money, power and influence. - Henry Chester 6. Positive people have made up their mind to enjoy life. They focus on the possibility - not the problem. - Joel Osteen 7. Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. - John Wooden 8. Our attitude to life determines life’s attitude towards us. - John N Mitchell 9. A positive attitude gives you power over your circumstances instead of your circumstances having power over you. - Joyce Meyer 10. The key to success is playing the hand you were dealt like it was the hand you wanted. - Kaitlyn Walsh 11. A great attitude becomes a great day which becomes a great month, which becomes a great year, which becomes a great life. – Mandy Hale 12. Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it. – Lou Holtz 13. If you are not getting as much from your life as you want to, then examine the state of your enthusiasm. – Norman Vincent Peale 14. I get up every morning, and it's going to be a great day. You never know when it's going to be over, so I refuse to have a bad day. - Paul Henderson 15. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm. – Ralph Waldo Emerson 16. Gratitude and attitude are not challenges; they are choices. – Robert Braathe 17. As a means to success, determination has this advantage over talent - that it does not have to be recognised by others. - Robert Brault 18. The rule is you have to dance a bit in the morning before you leave the house because it changes the way you walk out in the world. – Sandra Bullock 19. The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist see opportunity in every difficulty. – Sir Winston Churchill 20. Abundance is in large part, an attitude. - Sue Patton Thoele 21. Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. - Thomas Jefferson 22. Be the attitude you want to be around. - Tim DeTellis 23. You can’t have a good day with a negative attitude and you can’t have a negative day with a good attitude. - Unknown 24. Switch your mentality from "I'm broken and helpless," to "I'm growing and healing," and watch how your life changes for the better. – Unknown 25. A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results. – Wade Boggs 26.  A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even if he lives in paradise. - Baha 'u' llah 27. A positive attitude will have positive results because attitudes are contagious. – Zig Ziglar I hope you enjoyed these quotes 27 Quotes on Attitude and Why Yours Matters don't forget to Save them to your Pinterest boards for later :) Related Blogs: How to start your day with a great attitude that will set the tone for the rest of the day! 15 Positive Affirmations to Make Today a Good Day! 22 Quotes on Self-Discovery to Help You Find Who You Really Are and What You Want Out of Life. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Never, Ever Apologise for Being You!

    ✨You are who you are for a reason. ✨You are a one off. ✨There is absolutely no-one on this earth who could be you better than you. Yet, every time you apologise for something that isn’t your fault, you are apologising for who you are. Even if you don’t think that’s what you are doing, that is 100 % what you are telling the other person. I once heard a woman on a reception desk in the space of approx. 5 minutes. say sorry more than 11 times. There wasn’t one thing she apologised for that was her fault. She was telling people what she had been asked to by her line manager or boss. She was just the messenger. So seemed so worried is she that others would blame her that she felt the need to apologise even once they had happily accepted what she had told them. Her apologies did not necessarily reflect any disappointment or resentment from the other person. It was a knee jerk reaction to cover the situation in case it turned ugly. So convinced was she that it was her fault for telling them some thing they may not like she got in before they had time to express any displeasure. And if they didn’t react negatively, she felt the need to continue to apologise until they turned and left or someone else started talking to them and relieved her of the burden she felt she had just unleashed on them. And she is not the only one who does this… It is very common for people to over apologise about small mistakes and to apologise for something that has absolutely nothing to do with them. Often people who apologise for things they don’t need to also ask permission for things they don’t need too. I worked with one woman who used to ask if it was ok if she could go to the toilet, make a coffee or take something to another office, even though it was made clear to her from the very first time she did it, that she did not have to ask. Six - eight months later it’s started to sink in – but you could see the conscious effort she had to make not to ask. It’s a self-esteem thing. It’s a worthiness thing. It’s a ‘I am not good enough’ thing. It’s a ‘everyone else is better than me thing’. I want to shout a huge, loud NO right now! No one is better than you! No one is more worthy than you! You are as perfect or imperfect as everyone else. You are You, and no one else can ever be you. Stop apologising for things that don’t need your apology. Stop asking permission to do things you have every right to do. Baby steps to help you stop apologising, try changing your sentence into an acknowledgement of the situation. Sorry I’m late ------------------------------Thank you for waiting. Sorry I can’t make that ------------------- Thank you for the invitation, maybe another time. Sorry I messed that up --------------------What can I do different next time. Sorry I’m being so slow --------------------Thank you for being patient while I work this out. You’ll notice that all of these new ways to address certain situations use the words Thank you. Practice saying thank you instead of I’m Sorry. Showing people that you appreciate their support; shows them you are worthy of it. I hope you enjoyed reading 'Never, Ever Apologise for Being You!' don't forget to Save it to your Pinterest boards for later :) Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • 22 Quotes on Self-Discovery to Help You Find Who You Really Are and What You Want Out of Life.

    I don’t know who originally said this quote “Finding out who you are is the first step. Accepting who you are can be the hard part. Enhancing who you are is the fun part.” but it’s very fitting for this blog. Although I would add that the first step can also be tricky. I say this because most of us are being other people’s versions of us. We do certain things, act in certain ways because that is what has always been expected of us. And we may have been doing this for so long that we actually believe on some level that that is who we are. But if you feel like something is off or you don’t feel happy or satisfied with life it could well be that it’s because you are not living authentically. Not being your real self. Not being who you really are. If there are very dominant people around you telling you who you should be it can be hard to even hear your own voice telling you this is not who you are. Which is probably why some people go off travelling to find themselves or others move away from ‘home’, move to different towns, countries or even continents to give themselves the freedom to find themselves and become who they truly are. I’m not suggesting that everyone ups and leaves, but it’s just good to bear in mind that others around you may not make it easy for you to discover who you are and what you want in life. Don’t be afraid to discover who you are, only then can you accept who you are. Now you get to be the best version of you! Here are some of my favourite self discovery quotes to inspire you to go out there and discover who you are! Enjoy! 1. The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. - Carl Rogers 2. If you are not in the process of becoming the person you want to be, you are automatically engaged in becoming the person you don't want to be. – Dale Carnegie 3. I hope you live a life you're proud of. If you find you're not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again. - F. Scott Fitzgerald 4. Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. – Aristotle 5. Recognising that you are not where you want to be is a starting point to begin changing your life. - Deborah Day 6. Follow what you are genuinely passionate about and let that guide you to your destination. – Diane Sawyer 7. Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. – Les Brown 8. Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as being able to remake ourselves. – Mahatma Gandhi 9. Follow your instincts, be curious, dream big, love what you do, love learning, keep an open heart, and a strong spirit, have fun. – Unknown 10. Biggest obstacle I ever faced was my own limited perception of myself. – RuPaul 11. What would your most courageous self say to you about your current actions, goals, relationships, and life? – Brendon Burchard 12. Not ‘til we are lost... do we begin to find ourselves. - Henry David Thoreau 13. There is only one cause of unhappiness: the false beliefs you have in your head, beliefs so widespread, so commonly held, that it never occurs to you to question them. - Anthony de Mello 14. Growth is painful. Change is painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong. – Mandy Hale 15. The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself. - Anna Quindlen 16. Instead of trying to make life perfect, give yourself the freedom to make it an adventure, and go ever upward. – Drew Houston 17. Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Everything else is secondary. -Steve Jobs 18. If we did all the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. -Thomas Edison 19. No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change. - Barbara de Angelis 20. You are in control of your life. Don't ever forget that. You are what you are because of the conscious and subconscious choices you have made. - Barbara Hall 21. One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do. – Henry Ford 22. Ten years from now, make sure you can say that you chose your life, you didn't settle for it. – Mandy Hale I hope you enjoyed these 22 Quotes on Self-Discovery to Help You Find Who You Really Are and What You Want Out of Life. If you did don't forget to follow me on the links below and save this to your Pinterest board for later :) Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx 3 Things You Can Do Each Day to Get the Best Out of Yourself I Am… Two of the Most Powerful Words in The World. 25 Quotes on Comfort Zone and Why it’s So Important for You to Get Out of Yours. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • The History of Positive Thinking in 60 Quotes

    A positive thinking message written in Shakespeare’s language is a reminder that this positive thinking idea is not new by any means and anyone who has ever been successful in life has had a few things to say on the subject. In fact, we can go back way before Shakespeare who was born back in 1564, there are plenty of writings from the likes of Socrates 470-399BCE, Aristotle 384-322 BCE, Aesop 620-564BCE and many, many others. If there is nothing in it and it’s all a load of baloney like many would have you believe than how come the same message is being said by the most successful, influential people that have ever walked this earth? There are those that claim that Positive Thinking is too simplistic and if were true that it can change your life then everybody would be doing it. And that being kind shows how weak you are. It’s true that it’s simple concept, but it’s not necessarily easy to change your mind from a negative one to a positive one and that’s why not many people do it, it’s too hard. It takes time, effort, energy and an unfailing belief that you deserve better. Remember that Henry Ford once said, “Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason few people engage in it.” Below are some quotes from people who understood the power of positive thinking. Frame your mind to mirth and merriment which bars a thousand harms and lengthens life. - William Shakespeare "Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we leaned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so let us all be thankful." – Gautama Buddha - 6-4 century BCE "The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Gautama Buddha - 6-4 century BCE 'The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness however small is ever wasted.' - Aesop 620 - 564BCE 'At the centre of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want.' - Lao Tzu 571 -531BCE 'Life is simple, but we insist on making it complicated.' - Confucius 551 - 479BCE 'The more man meditates upon good thoughts the better will be his world and the world at large.' - Confucius 551 - 479BCE 'Day by day, what you choose, what you think and what you do is who you become.' - Heraclitus 535 – 475 BCE Strong minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, weak minds discuss people. – Socrates 470 - 399BCE ‘The energy of the mind is the essence of life.’ – Aristotle 384 - 322 BCE 'Mix a little foolishness with your serious plans: It’s lovely to be silly at the right moment.' – Horace 65 – 8 BCE 'There’s is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.’- Epictetus 50 – 135 CE 'You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.' - Marcus Aurelius 121 – 180 CE 'A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.' – St Francis of Assisi 1181 – 1226 'By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.' - Christopher Columbus 1451 – 1506 'It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things.' - Leonardo da Vinci 1452 – 1519 'Frame your mind to mirth and merriment which bars a thousand harms and lengthens life.' - William Shakespeare 1565 – 1616 'I can no other answer make, but. Thanks. And thanks. And ever thanks.' - William Shakespeare 1565 – 1616 'Trouble knocked at your door, but, hearing laughter, hurried away.' - Benjamin Franklin 1706 - 1790 'A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well and the body.' - Benjamin Franklin 1706 - 1790 'Courage isn’t having the strength to go on – it is going on when you don’t have the strength.' - Napoleon Bonaparte 1769 – 1821 'To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you into something else is the greatest accomplishment.' – Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 – 1882 'Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.' – Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803 – 1882 'Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think.' – Benjamin Disraeli – 1804 – 1881 'Reflect upon your present blessings... of which every man has many – not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.' – Charles Dickens 1812 -1870 'Life appears too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.' – Charlotte Bronte 1816 – 1855 'If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavours to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.' - Henry David Thoreau 1817 – 1862 'Think of yourself on the threshold of success. A whole, clear, glorious life lies before you.' – Andrew Carnegie – 1835 – 1919 'Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great.' - Mark Twain 1835 – 1910 'If you think you can or think you can’t either way you are right.' – Henry Ford 1863 – 1947 'If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.' – Mahatma Gandhi 1869 - 1948 'Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.' - Carl Jung 1875 – 1961 'Out of clutter, find simplicity, from discord, find harmony. In the middle if difficulty lies opportunity.' – Albert Einstein – 1879 - 1955 'Stay away from negative people – They have a problem for every solution.' – Albert Einstein – 1879 – 1955 'Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.' - Coco Chanel 1883 – 1971 'A positive mind looks for ways it can be done; a negative mind looks for ways it can't be done.' - Napoleon Hill 1883 - 1970 'You have to accept whatever comes and the only important thing is that you meet it with courage and with the best that you have to give.' - Eleanor Roosevelt 1884- 1962 'Any fool can criticise, complain and condemn – and most fools do. But it takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving.' – Dale Carnegie 1888 – 1955 'It isn’t what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It’s what you think about.' – Dale Carnegie 1888 – 1955 'You have to believe in yourself - that’s the secret.' – Charlie Chaplin 1889 – 1977 'The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm.' – Aldous Huxley 1894 – 1963 'Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars - you have to let go and come point in order to move forward.' – C. S. Lewis 1898 – 1963 'Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.' - Norman Vincent Peale 1898 – 1993 'A positive thinker does not refuse to recognise the negative, he refuses to dwell on it. Positive thinking is a form of thought which habitually looks for the best results from the worst conditions.' - Norman Vincent Peale 1898 – 1993 'Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.' - Mother Teresa 1910 - 1997 'As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.' - John F. Kennedy 1917 – 1963 'They say time changes everything, but you actually have to change them yourself.' – Andy Warhol 1928 – 1987 'Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.' - Martin Luther King Jr. 1929 – 1968 'Everyone has inside them a piece of good news. The good news is you don't know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is.' – Anne Frank – 1929 – 1945 'Anyone who ever accomplished anything did not know how they were going to do it; they just knew they were going to do it.' – Bob Proctor 1934 – 'Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.' – The 14th Dalai Lama 1935 – 'Choose the positive. You have a choice. You are the master of your attitude. Chose the positive, the constructive. Optimism is a faith that leads to success.' – Bruce Lee 1940 -1973 'We need to learn to love ourselves first, in all our glory and our imperfections. If we cannot love ourselves, we cannot fully open to our ability to love others or our potential to create.' – John Lennon 1940 – 1980 'A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.' – Bob Dylan – 1941 – 'Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.' – Jim Morrison 1943 - 1971 'Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.' - Barack Obama 1961 – 'Belonging starts with self-acceptance... Believing that you’re enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect.' - Brene Brown 1965 – 'If you're not in the arena also getting your butt kicked, I'm not interested in your feedback.' - Brene Brown 1965 – 'Not all your dreams have to come true at once. Sometimes, the truth is many of them are already here and you have to appreciate them before the next ones unlock.' – Brendon Burchard 1977 – 'Be more intentional about who you want to become. Have vision beyond your current circumstances. Imagine your best future self and start acting like that person today.' – Brendon Burchard 1977 – 'I have insecurities of course, but I don't hang out with anyone who points them out.' – Adele 1988 – to be honest I thought this was going to be one of the easiest and quickest blogs I have written… A few examples of Positive Thinking quotes throughout the ages, that will be easy enough... Not as quick and easy as I thought, so many great and wise people to choose from, so far too many inspiring, thought provoking quotes to choose from! Needless to say, this is not a definitive list of quotes or people to quote from by any means. Just a selection chosen by me to demonstrate just how long this philosophy has been around and some of the people that have put it to good use. I hope you have enjoyed it, and that you too can put positive thinking in to action in your own life. If you liked this and want more here are 95 positive thinking quotes. Find out the big difference between Positive Thinking & Wishful Thinking Did you know that Harry Potter is also a positive thinker? read my blog Harry Potter and the Positive Thinker part 1 and Part 2 Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Declutter Your Life from All Things Negative and Free Yourself to Live the Life of Your Dreams!

    When most of us think of clutter we get an image of physical clutter on the worktop or in the bedroom, but that’s not the only type of clutter in our lives. Clutter comes in many forms and even though we know we don’t need it we become attached to it and don’t / won’t let it go. If we can do that with the clothes in our wardrobe that we don’t wear any longer (or ever), what else are we holding on to that we no longer need in our lives? It could be other physical clutter, most of us have a little clutter here and there, but too much and it can have a negative impact on your life in more ways than one, in fact quite often the amount of clutter in your home / office environment can be a reflection of just how much other ‘clutter’ you have in your life. Common areas for physical clutter around the home are : under the bed, in the cupboards, in the garage, the attic, worktops, desk drawers, floor etc. ‘Where do I start?’ tends to be the most common question when it comes to de-cluttering. Some say start big, attack the whole house, the entire room – and whilst this gets the job done quicker it may also be overwhelming and stop you from starting at all. My advice if you are finding it difficult to get started is to start small, baby steps. Pick one work top, one drawer, one cupboard, under one bed or one wardrobe, as you relax into it you will gain confidence and it will become easier and you will be able to do more without getting overwhelmed by how much needs to be done. Follow the guide below to help you decide what to keep and how to dispose of unwanted items. The main things to remember are: · Is it useful/practical for you · Is it beautiful to you, does it make you smile when you see it? The above are keepers for sure! This goes back to one of my all-time favourite quotes – William Morris once said “Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful” “What if I don’t know and I get stuck making a decision?” Some items will not be so easy to make a decision with, it may have happy/sad memories or a gift from someone and you feel obliged to keep it… if you can’t make a decision reasonably quickly, rather than waste too much time on one item, make a small box and label it – ‘for another day when I’m stronger and more ready to let go.’ Just try not to put too many items in here. The good news is that when you start to de-cluttering your physical environment it becomes easier to see the other clutter in your life, which is having even more of a negative impact in your life, it maybe: Toxic people, toxic work environment, past hurts that you haven’t dealt with and released, past trauma’s, limiting beliefs that have been passed on to you, low self-esteem, putting too much pressure on yourself, comparing yourself to others, not feeling good enough, not taking care of yourself, negative self-talk, etc… Clutter isn't just the stuff in your closet, it's anything that gets between you and the life you want to be living. - Peter Walsh Anything that is not helping you to live the life you want is clutter, anything that is holding you back from going for or reaching your goals. Identify what your ‘clutter’ is and find a way of removing it for good. To help you identify your mental / emotional clutter that is holding you back a therapist is a great way to go, if you haven’t been to a therapist before, it’s very liberating, freeing and I honestly believe that it should be a normal part of taking care of ourselves to see one regularly. There are lots of self-help books out there to help you too such as: Positive Thinking for Beginners – Lisa Edwards You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay Happy De-Cluttering! I hope you enjoyed reading Declutter Your Life from All Things Negative and Free Yourself to Live the Life of Your Dreams! Don't forget to save it to your Pinterest board for later :) Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Why Adopting a Positive Attitude Could Make This Your Best Year Yet!

    A New Year is about to begin, this is when we get to choose what we take with us into a new beginning and what we leave behind. This is a great time to stop and really take stock of what we are putting into life, what we are doing, thinking, feeling and talking about. Our attitude determines where and how far we will go in life. If you are not feeling positive, feeling stuck, or you are constantly talking negatively to yourself or about others, finding fault with everything, blaming everyone else, it’s time to let all that go and make this new year a new start… a new positive start. Being positive isn’t about pretending that everything is ok, it about having such a positive outlook that you don’t get too overwhelmed by even the biggest problems life throws at you, instead you look for solutions. You find a way out, or a way through, you work toward your goals knowing that you will reach them, so you can go on to set new goals. The right attitude will take you further than any talent alone. What do you want out of the new year? Do you have goals? Do you have plans? Do you have dreams? If you do and you want to give yourself the best chance of fulfilling them, of living your best life, you are going to need to let go of any negativity you are holding on to. Things to let go of before 2022: · Negative self-talk · Gossiping about others · Blaming others for what’s going on in your life · Finding fault with things · Feeling frustrated life isn’t going your way · Feeling unmotivated · Negative attitude · People pleasing · Comparing yourself · Holding grudges · Holding onto past hurts Things to take into the New Year with you: · Positive self-talk · A good self-care routine · Encouragement and support for others · Kindness (self & others) · Goals · Self-belief · Exercise regularly · Positive attitude · Start a Journal · Expressing your emotions and feelings · Be open to learning new things · Find out who you are and what you want and do it on purpose "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." What a great way to start off a new year, entering it feeling filled with possibilities, knowing opportunities will come your way and that this coming year will be your best one yet, that you will change your life into the one you have always wanted to live. To know all of this and to feel and above all believe all of this will make this New Year’s Eve celebration one to really celebrate! What do you want to take with you into the new year? What do you need to let go of and leave in 2021? Remember you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • 2 Easy Ways to Get into a Regular Meditation Practice Without 'Actually' Meditating

    How many times have you promised yourself you will start mediating? How many times have you read an article about meditating and told yourself it’s never as easy as they say it is? How often have you wished you had a way of slowing down your racing mind? How often do you wish you could just take some time out? I am pretty sure most of us can relate to at least one of these, if not more, I know they have all been true for me at one time or another and sometimes all at the same time. The thought of meditating can conjure up images of people sitting very still in the lotus position looking very peaceful and tranquil. Though just trying to get into that position can be challenging to say the least, then there is the focusing on our breathing whilst trying to maintain our posture… it all seems like hard work to a beginner. So, I looked for different ways to meditate without “meditating”. It turns out there is no right way or wrong way to meditate, there are traditional ways, but any way is a good way. Just find the one that suits you and you’ll be meditating on a regular basis before you know it! Whatever way suits you make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing. No tight waistbands, bras, wristbands, ankle cuffs etc. if your clothes are uncomfortable, this is what you will end up concentrating on and concentrating on something negative such as being uncomfortable does not a positive experience make. Here are two of my favourites: Walking Mindfulness Meditation I love this one! I do it regularly, I often stop on the way home from work and have a 15 – 20 minute mindfulness walk along the coast or in the park. 'It does good to take walks out of doors, that our spirits may be raised and refreshed by the open air and fresh breeze.' - Seneca To do this - it’s so simple and easy to do, you simply go for a walk then once you are on your way notice things around you using all your senses. Start with what you can see, are there: · Trees - take in their shape, size and colours · Flowers – are they in full bloom? Look at the different shades of colour and shapes of the petals · Clouds in the sky, are they wispy or do they look like billowing cotton-candy? · Cars – colours, sizes, makes and models · Buildings – sizes, colours, shapes, designs Take it all in as you walk Now add things you can hear: · Birds chirping or crowing · Children laughing · Traffic whizzing by · Dogs barking · Trains in the distance · Voices · The wind whistling through the trees · Your footsteps Take it all in as you walk Now add things you can smell: · Freshly cut grass · A dampness after the rain · Fresh and clean air · The BBQ cooking down the road Take it all in as you walk Now add things you can feel: · The sun on your skin · The breeze through your hair · The light drizzle of soft, fine rain · Your feet making contact with the path, grass sand beneath them Take it all in as you walk As you focus your attention on all the things around you, using as many of your senses as you can, you are keeping yourself right in the present moment. This frees us from stressing about things that have already happened and cannot change and from worrying or planning things that may or may not happen in the future. Whenever I do this I can not only feel my mind relaxing but my body too, I (like many others) hold most of my tension in my shoulders. I can physically feel them begin to relax as I spend my time focusing on the here and now. And don’t forget that by being outside in the sun you are also naturally topping up your vitamin D. Shower Meditation This is great for after work or at the end of the day. 'Meditation is nothing but taking a mental shower.' - Harbhajan Singh Yogi Before you jump into the shower, grab your favourite bodywash that makes you feel good, relaxed. Make sure you have clean, dry fluffy towels at the ready. Get your water to the optimum temperature and in you get. Now as you start to wash your hair and your skin, visualise your troubles, your stresses, your anxieties, your tensions, your worries, your negative thoughts are all being washed away. Let the bubbles collect all of your troubles, and the warm water wash them both away, leaving your body and your mind cleaner, lighter and ready to relax and enjoy the evening / get a good nights rest. The shower one is so simple and easy to do. I highly recommend it! Let the bubbles collect all of your troubled, and the warm water wash them both away. - Lisa Edwards Other easy ways to give yourself some time out without putting too much pressure on yourself: · Lay on the grass and watch the clouds drift across the sky for 10 minutes. · Watch and listen to the rhythm of the waves at the beach. · Sit in the park, watch the ducks do their thing, swimming, waddling etc. Any one (calm) thing that you calm focus your attention on is a form of meditation. · Play with your pets, have a cuddle with them, watch them play. · A mindfulness activity such as colouring in or painting can have a similar effect. Meditation is so good for your mind and body it’s well worth taking the time to try different types of meditation until you find one that works for you. Enjoy! Thank you for reading '2 Easy Ways to Get into a Regular Meditation Practice Without 'Actually' Meditating', don't forget to Save this to your Pinterest boards for later :) Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

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