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  • 7 Things We Should Never Underestimate the Power of…(Revised)

    There are lots of things we underestimate the power of in this world, the biggest is probably ourselves - our own abilities, our worthiness, our attractiveness, our place in the world. If your life isn’t quite what you thought it would be and you want to make changes here are 7 things that are readily available to us all at little or no cost that have more power than most of us realise. It can feel like making changes in your life is too difficult and overwhelming but here are 7 simple, easy to do things that we should never underestimate the power of.. Some of them seem so simple that they are easy to dismiss as simplistic and airy-fairy. But that’s the beauty of them, they are simplistic and yet they can have a huge impact on you, and the life you are living, in such a positive way, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been doing them all along. Discover Why We Should Never Underestimate the Power of… Some of them seem so simple that they are easy to dismiss as simplistic and airy-fairy. But that’s the beauty of them, they are simplistic and yet they can have a huge impact on you, and the life you are living, in such a positive way, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been doing them all along. 1. Positive Thinking – Undeniably my number 1. Positive thinking can get a bad rap, as people often mistake it for ‘putting on a happy face’ when everything is going wrong. But that is not at all what positive thinking is. Adopting a positive attitude not only makes you a happier person in general, but the positive thinker is more likely to notice the positive things that happen each day, the more positive things we see happening the happier we become and so begins the cycle. Positive thinking also helps when life throws us a curve ball, as people with this attitude are more likely to look for solutions rather than getting caught up with, and over thinking the problem. Click here to order Positive Thinking for Beginners 2. Meditation It has been well documented that mediation has all sorts of benefits, both for the mind and the body, yet so many of us fail to incorporate it in our daily routine. If you think you don’t have time to meditate or that it’s too difficult, then think again. There is an old Zen Adage that states “You should sit in meditation for 10 minutes a day. Unless you are too busy then you should sit for one hour.” The more we don’t think we have time for it is when we need it most. It doesn’t have to take much time - just 5 minutes each day is enough for you to start seeing and feeling the benefits. If you struggle to mediate, try an app or a YouTube video guided meditation. 3. Gratitude I missed this one completely the last time I did a blog like this, which is crazy, it’s so powerful, yet is it so simple it gets forgotten about and we start to take things for granted. When we wake ourselves up to all the things we have in life to be grateful for, we start to feel good inside, we gain a new outlook, a new perspective that makes us see even more things to be grateful for. And before we know it our life is overflowing with beautiful things and wonderful people that want the best for us and help and support is to follow our dreams and passions. Start by keeping a gratitude journal, write down 3-5 things each morning or evening (or both) that you are grateful for. 4. Yoga Yoga is like a one stop shop for mind and body. It will help you lose weight, tone muscles, improve flexibility, help posture, ease backpain, aid your digestive system, boost heart health, reduce inflammation, the list of physical benefits goes on and on. But Yoga doesn’t just help you physically, its mental health benefits are just as plentiful… Yoga is known to reduce anxiety, act as a natural anti-depressant, have a calming effect, be a mood lifter, provide stress relief, increase self-confidence, improve sleep. (please check with your doctor before starting any new exercise, whilst yoga may be gentle I wouldn’t want you to injure yourself.) Here are a couple of links to my favorite YouTube yoga videos 20 Min Morning Yoga Flow | Every Day Full Body Yoga For All Levels 20 Min Full Body Yoga Flow | Yoga For Strength Flexibility & Mobility 5. Living in the moment Also known as mindfulness, often mistaken for Mediation. Have you ever noticed how often we are thinking about what we have got to do or what we plan to do instead of what we are actually doing at that moment? We have so much to fit in to our days that we are always thinking one, two or three steps ahead. What if we planned our day in such a way that it allowed us to be 100% present in all that we do? Spending ten minutes in the morning planning what we need to do means we can be present and enjoy life, it means we don’t have to miss any of the little things that can turn out to be wonderful moments and live in our memories forever. 6. Doing something kind for someone. They say there is no such thing as a selfless act of kindness, every time we try to do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return, we automatically feel good. Making someone else happy, taking away their stress, making them smile has just as big an effect on the person giving as the person receiving. So if you ever want an instant pick-me-up, go do something nice for someone else and reap the benefits. It’s a win-win! 6.1. Doing something kind for yourself. When was the last time you did something kind for yourself (without feeling guilty)? You spend your time ensuring the rest of the family have everything they need, physically, mentally, emotionally. How often do you stop and check to see if you have everything you need? Do something just for you… whatever makes you happy. It doesn’t need to be expensive; it could just be to read a book uninterrupted, or to go for a walk along the beach or in the park, take a bubble bath. Whatever you decide to do, do it well and enjoy it and you’ll come back re-energised. 7. Keeping a Journal Writing things down has a powerful effect on our ability to see things as they really are and understanding what is going on in our lives. It sounds quite bizarre to someone who has never tried it, but it works. Writing down what happened and/or how we feel about it somehow frees the emotions that are attached with it. When I was at my lowest I wrote every single day, I wrote about current things and even about past events that I needed to make sense of. Things started to become clear, once they were clear in my mind I was able to let go of them and move on. Writing in a journal is also a great way to document how far you have come on your journey, when you can see how far you’ve come, it will inspire you to keep going. WARNING: if you try any of the above, you may start to feel better in yourself - side effects include: feeling more relaxed, boosted self-confidence, enjoying the little things, feeling fitter and more toned, better focus on what’s important, happier people around you, a sunny outlook on life. Any one of these have the power help get you on track again, you could try a combination of them or go for all seven. Whichever one/ones you decided to do, do them with intention, do them like you mean it and if you don’t see instant results, try not to give up, stick with it a little while longer, the results will come. If you enjoyed reading 7 Things We Should Never Underestimate the Power of… check out the links below for more: Fighting Against What You Don’t Want Won’t Bring You What You Do Want! Get Inspired to De-Clutter and Start Living Your Best Life Every Person is a Book, Each Year a New Chapter. 16 Positive Affirmations to Make Today a Great Day! Have a fantastic day! And remember - you’re better than you think you are! Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Click on the links to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X (twitter), Threads

  • 23 Steve Maraboli Extraordinary Quotes That Will Make You Think…

    Steve Maraboli is one of the most quoted people here on social media, and for good reason. His quotes are as inspiring as they are motivational, as confronting as they are empowering. His quotes have helped me to understand, navigate, heal and move on from certain aspects of my own life, and I will be eternally grateful for the perspective I gained have gained. Steve Maraboli understands that toxic people have no place in your life, and that to live your best life you have to take responsibility for it, 100% as demonstrated by these empowering quotes: 1.   It is important that we forgive ourselves for making mistakes. We need to learn from our errors and move on. 2.   As I got older I started to cut out food that was bad for me. As I got wiser I did the same with people. 3.   Be careful who you let on your ship… because some people will sink the whole ship just because they can't be the captain. 4.   The right thing to do and the hard thing to do are usually the same. 5.   Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow - you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift - today. 6.   We would do ourselves a tremendous favour by letting go of the people who poison our spirit. 7.   If you hang out with chickens you're gonna cluck and if you hang out with eagles, you're going to fly. 8.   If you are offended by my boundaries, then you're probably one of the reasons I need them. 9.   Don't confuse poor decision making with destiny. Own your mistakes. It's ok; we all make them. Learn from them so they can empower you! 10.                Small circle. Private life. Peaceful mind. 11.                Incredible change happens in your life when you decide to take control of what you do have power over instead of craving control over what you don't. 12.                It's hard not to stand in awe and enchantment with the beauty in which nature expresses herself. 13.                The most powerful relationship you will ever have is the relationship you have with yourself. 14.                Avoiding certain people to protect your mental health is not a weakness… it's wisdom. 15.                If they do it often, it isn't a mistake; it just their behaviour. 16.                Just like your body and lifestyle can be healthy or unhealthy, the same is true with you beliefs. Your beliefs can be your medicine or your poison. 17.                The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realise that the situation is over, you cannot move forward. 18.                Renew, release, let go. Yesterday's gone. There's nothing you can do to bring it back. You can't "should've" done something. You can only do something. Renew yourself. Release that attachment. Today is a new day! 19.                If you have a goal, write it down. If you do not write it down you do not have a goal you have a wish. 20.                I find the best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead help them reveal the greatest version of themselves. 21.                It only takes a split second to smile and forget, yet to someone that needed it, it can last a lifetime. 22.                Act on your dreams! It is not enough to just want it. Don't throw away another day. Take action and watch them come alive. 23.                This is my life... My story... My book. I will no longer let anyone else write it; nor will I apologise for the edits I make. I hope these 23 Steve Maraboli Extraordinary Quotes inspire you, motivate you, make you think about what’s important to you, and help you to let go of anything or anyone holding you back. If you enjoyed these 23 Extraordinary Quotes from Steve Maraboli, check out the links below for more: 32 Life Changing Quotes from the Ever-Inspirational Brendon Burchard 21 Incredible Oprah Winfrey Quotes That Will Change Your Life 22 Napoleon Hill Quotes to Help you Think and Grow Rich 30 Fabulous Norman Vincent Peale Quotes on The Power of Positive Thinking 46 Quotes about Life from the genius that was Albert Einstein Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Click on the links to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X (twitter), Threads  and why not Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey.

  • One of the fastest ways you can profoundly change your life is to rid yourself of toxic people.

    Toxic people… they come in all shapes and sizes, they disguise themselves as family, friends and colleagues. Some are quite obviously toxic, but most are very clever at hiding it. Some are so caught up in their own misery they seem like they want to spread it around until everyone around them is miserable too. They tend to complain non-stop, about anything and everything, everything is a drama, nothing is ever right or good enough, they blame anyone but themselves for anything that goes wrong, and if they can’t then they will find an excuse. They criticise everything others do, but don’t even think about criticising them. Others are more selective with who gets to receive their venom. Most narcissists select their target carefully. And they make sure they gain power over them before they release the venom. Whether it’s because they hold a more senior position in a workplace or they love bomb you in a relationship, they make sure they have the upper hand. It even happens in friendships; one will be more dominant and won’t take kindly to other one saying no or not being in agreement all the time. You may be reading this thinking I don’t have any toxic relationships, or it may have got you wondering if you do or not? The best way to check is to think about how you feel before, during and after and interactions with each person in your life… · Do you feel happy at the prospect of meeting up with them, or is there any apprehension there? · Do you feel relaxed and at ease in their company, can you be yourself or do you have your guard up or feel like you have to watch what you say? · Do you feel like you had a great time or are you second guessing things you said or things they said? Are you looking forward to next time or are you just glad that it’s over and you can go home? Answering these questions honestly, making no excuses for anyone, will tell you if any of your relationships be it family, friends or colleagues are in fact toxic. What now… If you have just discovered that some of your relationships are toxic, you have a choice to make… Do you speak to them about it and try to get the relationship on a better footing or do you cut them out? It will depend on their type of toxicity, if they are the miserable person I described at the beginning, there maybe a chance of them listening and wanting to change. But a narcissist is a different species. There are two very common ways a narcissist will react if you call them out on their behaviour: 1. They may apologise and tell you they will change. They have no intention of changing, this my friend is just their way of not letting you escape their power. By making you believe they will change and that they are sorry, you will stay in their life allowing them to treat you badly, making them feel powerful or whatever it is a narc gets out of bullying and controlling people. If they say they will change and don’t, it’s probably time to leave. 2. They will turn it around and make out they are the victim in this dynamic. They will turn the tables and tell you how much you hurt them when you do x-y-z. They may even turn on the waterworks and keep talking until you find yourself apologising for everything you have done and the hurt you have caused. Now you feel so bad that you will do anything to make amends, and now they are back in control of you. If they turn it around without even discussing what you brought up in the first place, it’s probably time to leave. You can stay around these people to make them happy, but they will never make you happy. You are not their priority, your feelings are not important to them. Yes, I know this sounds harsh, and it’s not nice to hear, but it is truthful, and you will never become the best version of you or live the life you want to live if you have these toxic people around you. Let them go from your life and find people who will treat you with the kindness and respect you deserve. When I started this positive thinking journey, which I have been on for many years, I started with the most toxic one which was hard but the best thing I have ever done. Slowly, I began to notice others in my life who were similar, the relationships were on their terms, not mine and theirs, just theirs. Gradually I let each one go. It is better to be alone than in bad company. You cannot heal or grow when you are surrounded by toxic people, my life has changed for the better and so have I since I eliminated toxicity form my life. And when it shows it’s head in a workplace or elsewhere, I now refuse to let it get to me or worse, get inside my head. So, I must agree with Bryant McGill when he says that ‘One of the fastest ways you can profoundly change your life is to rid yourself of toxic people.’ You don’t ever have to put up with being treated badly. You deserve to be treated with kindness and respect at all times. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Click on the links to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X (twitter), Threads

  • 32 Life Changing Quotes from the Ever-Inspirational Brendon Burchard

    Brendon Burchard is the world’s no 1 high performance coach and New York Times best-selling author. He is one of my top go to when I need some inspiration, he has a knack of summing something very profound up in just one sentence, which is why he is one of the most quoted motivational speakers in history. Enjoy these life changing quotes from Brendon Burchard. 1. Lifelong happiness is not a lucky result or good fortune. It is a skill and practice of releasing tension, being present, amplifying love, and generating enthusiasm and gratitude. 2. Whatever you face in life, meet it knowing that you will figure it out. Keep a positive attitude and remember your strength. 3. Find what is good and strong and extraordinary about yourself and hold that knowledge close when it gets difficult. 4. Do not fear ridicule or rejection; fear the consequence of an unlived life that comes from not expressing yourself or pursuing your own path. 5. That dream in your heart is not a frilly distraction, a ridiculous idea, a muted hope. It is a solid purpose; it is a righteous plan; it is a trumpet. 6. First, it is an intention. Then a behaviour. Then a habit. Then a practice. Then second nature. Then it is simply who you are. 7. You don't need to create a masterpiece every day; you need to get some oil on the canvas every day. 8. Release tension, set intention. 9. If the size of your dreams and ambitions are freaking you out, then you are on the right path. Fear not your greatness, for power is given to those with a purpose. 10. Not all your dreams have to come true at once. Sometimes, the truth is many of them are already here and you have to appreciate them before the next ones unlock. 11. It doesn't have to be a perfect day to be a happy day. 12. Doubt increases with inaction. Clarity revels itself in momentum. Growth comes from progress. For all these reasons, BEGIN. 13. Perhaps the universe isn't giving you what you want because based on all of your distractions it is simply unclear what you are asking for. 14. Take your M.E.D.S - Meditate, Exercise, Diet, Sleep. 15. Your day is coming, your time is near, your dreams are closer than you know. Keep hope. One day at a time, my friend. 16. To take care of yourself as you are stiving isn't a luxury. It is a necessity for long-term performance. 17. Always believe in your ability to figure things out. You can learn and you'll make it through. 18. Be more intentional about who you want to become. Have vision beyond your current circumstances. Imagine your best future self and start acting like that person today. 19. Sometimes the fastest way to get back in the game is to expect something from yourself again. 20. The most critical thing is: Are you taking responsibility for your life? 21. What would your most courageous self say to you about your current actions, goals, relationships, and life? 22. Until you understand that joy is something you can create every day, life will always feel bland and colourless even if you are 'successful'. 23. Beginning today, set an intention and a relentless focus on living your life as the greatest person you can be, in all situations. 24. Being so free that no one can pressure you, stress you, or steal your attention - that's presence and the freedom of internal choice, two of my super powers. 25. Commit to showing up with full vitality and excellence each day and a funny thing happens: Your life becomes vibrant and extraordinary. 26. Your whole life you've faced uncertainty. You developed a pattern in how you've dealt with it. Now is the time to ask if that response pattern is serving you. 27. Successful people take their current limitation and put it on their agenda as a job to do, as a thing to figure out and make happen. 28. Remove yourself swiftly from consistently angry, drama-driven, selfish people. It's not your job to change them, and there is an extraordinary life of joy and peace on the other side of them. 29. Toxic people will not be changed by your kindness. Yes, be kind, but move on swiftly and let life be their educator. 30. You might not be able to change them, but you can always change your reaction to them. Your energy is your choice. 31. If you are lacking a positive environment, create one. 32. Integrity is learning to feel hurt but not integrate it's darkness into your soul or cast it onto another. I hope you enjoyed these 32 Life Changing Quotes from the Ever-Inspirational Brendon Burchard and that they inspire you and motivate you into living your best life! Which one is your favorite? let me know below :) Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Click on the links to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X (twitter), Threads

  • 21 Incredible Oprah Winfrey Quotes That Will Change Your Life

    Oprah’s journey has been well documented, and she shows us that it is not where you begin that matters, it is your mindset and where you plan on going that becomes your journey, and it’s your self-belief and determination that are the deciding factors on just how far you will go. Oprah’s story has inspired and given hope to many over her career, and she continues to inspire and motivate so many of us to become the best we can be. I have my own favourite Oprah Winfrey Quotes and I share them with you here along with some of her many inspirational quotes. I hope you enjoy them and get inspired as much as I do by Oprah’s words of wisdom. 1. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from. The ability to triumph begins with you. Always. 2. Turn your wounds into wisdom. 3. You know you are on the road to success if you would do your job and not be paid for it. 4. Don’t settle for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself. 5. If you make a choice that doesn’t please your mate, your friends, your mother, or whoever, the world will not fall apart – the people who truly love you want you to love yourself. 6. Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure. 7. Trust that everything happens for a reason, even when we're not wise enough to see it. 8. It's only when you make the process your goal that your big dream will follow. 9. You get in life what you have the courage to ask for. 10. Be grateful for what you have; you’ll end up having much more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. 11. Don’t get confused between what people say you are and who you know you are. 12. The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for what you have right now. 13. The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. 14. The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams. 15. True forgiveness is when you can say, 'thank you for the experience.' 16. Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own. 17. The greatest lesson in life is that you are responsible for your life. 18. Forgiveness is letting go of what you want the past to have been, how it should have been and accepting that it was real. 19. I don't believe in failure. It's not failure if you enjoyed the process. 20. Step out of the hurt of your history and into the possibility of the present. 21. I was once afraid of people saying ‘who does she think she is?’ Now I have the courage to stand and say ‘this is who I am’. The thing with a quote is that it’s just one short sentence, yet sometimes it resonates with you, sometimes it makes you think and sometimes… well, they can give you such a wake-up call that you feel as though they have just slapped you round the face, as the last one did with me the first time, I read it. Thank you, Oprah. more than one of your quotes have totally put some things into perspective for me. they became lessons well learned and enabled me to let go and move on. If you have enjoyed reading thee 21 Incredible Oprah Winfrey Quotes That Will Change Your Life you may also enjoy these: 15 Dale Carnegie Quotes to Motivate you into Living Your Best Life ( 30 Fabulous Norman Vincent Peale Quotes on The Power of Positive Thinking ( 50 Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes to Inspire a Life Filled with Self-Love & Self-Belief ( Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Click on the links to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X (twitter), Threads

  • How to Be Your Own Super-Hero and Create the Life You Want

    Once upon a time us women were expected to sit around and wait for a knight in shining armor to come along and rescue us from the dreariness that was our life. (I recently discovered that a lot of women still believe this and there are plenty still teaching this to their children. Disempowering them at a young age.) It never sat well with me that I was ‘not enough’ on my own that I had to have a partner to fix things – me included. But having it ingrained in me from an early age I just went along with it, not knowing I didn’t have to. Until I found myself single in my forties and everyone was encouraging me to find a new partner I realised that if I jumped into a new relationship too quickly I would be taking all my emotional baggage with me, dooming the relationship before it had really began, plus if I didn’t work on how I ended up in such a toxic relationship, I was probably going to end up repeating it – and that was not an option for me. I realised that no-one could ‘fix-me’ but me. So, I decided to go it alone, working on myself – past, present and future. I went on a journey to discover what had led me to where I was, to discover who I really am and what I really want out of life. I am so far from the person who left that toxic relationship. I understood myself only after I had destroyed myself. And in the process of fixing myself, did I know who I really was. - Sade Andria Zabala I learn something new about myself every day, I discover old limiting beliefs, allowing me to let them go, I find new things I enjoy, I have learned to accept what I cannot change and to change what I cannot accept – sometimes that change is to walk away and never look back. I’m not saying that you have to be single to be your own super-hero, that was just my journey – but please don’t stay in a relationship for the sake of it, it will drain you – be with someone because you want to be with THEM, not because you want to be with somebody. You don’t need to be with anyone to be happy, to be fulfilled, to be YOU. You are enough on your own. You can be anything you want to be. You can do anything you want to do. You have everything you need – you have you. Biggest obstacle I ever faced was my own limited perception of myself. - RuPaul You can become your own super-hero by simply taking some time to find out who you are, what you want, discover your strengths, your weaknesses, your likes, your dislikes, your passions and your purpose. Self-discovery and self-awareness are so empowering, even finding out your weakness and fears will be empowering. The more you get to know yourself the more you will start to accept yourself and once you have self-acceptance you will begin to fall in love with who you really are, you’ll gain some self-compassion as well as self-confidence, and you’ll finally stop being so hard on yourself. Finding out who you are is the first step. Accepting who you are can be the hard part. Enhancing who you are is the fun part. - Unknown Your life is yours and yours alone. No-one else has any right to tell you what’s good for you, or what you should be doing, or who you should spend time with. Accepting full responsibility for your life gives you the power to make changes where they are needed. Blaming others for whatever they have brought to your life gives the power to them. Take back your power NOW! Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, no one else. - Les Brown The more you know about who you are now, and how you became her the easier it is to see who you want to become. What does the best version of you look like? What does she do? What doesn’t she do? Be more intentional about who you want to become. Have vision beyond your current circumstances. Imagine your best future self, and start acting like that person today. - Brendon Burchard As Dolly Parton once said – ‘Find out who you are and do it on purpose.’ If you enjoyed reading 'How to be your own super hero' you may enjoy 14 Self-Care Quotes That Will Inspire You to Take Some Time Out for Yourself and Why I Love My PJ’s and My New Self Care Bedtime Routine! Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Click on the links to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, X (twitter), Threads

  • 14 Self-Care Quotes That Will Inspire You to Take Some Time Out for Yourself

    Self-Care is not selfish, it’s not lazy, it’s not self-indulgent, it is vital for our physical, emotional, spiritual, and metal wellbeing, it tops up our energy levels so we can be there for others including our loved ones. Self-care can be something as simple like a relaxing bubble bath (to relax your mind you must start with your muscles) but it is also eliminating toxic/negative things from your life, it’s ticking off things from your too hard basket, it’s getting rid of mental and physical clutter It’s anything that alleviates pressure from you. It is nothing to feel guilty about, it is something to celebrate and enjoy, You are the only you there is, which is why it is absolutely imperative thet you take great care of you, and be the best you that you can be! Enjoy These 14 Self-Care Quotes and Let Them Inspire You to Take Some Time Out to do Something for You. 1. Self-care is an inside job. - Johnathan Van Ness 2. Self-Care is just good maintenance. – Unknown 3. Self-Care is how you take your power back. - Lalah Delia 4. Taking care of yourself is the most powerful way to begin to take care of others. - Bryant McGill 5. An empty lantern provides no light. Self-care is the fuel that allows your light to shine brightly. – Unknown 6. As important as it is to have a plan for doing work, it is perhaps more important to have a plan for rest, relaxation, self-care, and sleep. – Akiroq Brost 7. I have come to believe that caring for myself is not self-indulgent. Caring for myself is an act of survival. – Audre Lorde 8. Self-love is asking yourself what you need - everyday – and then making sure you receive it. – Unknown 9. Self-care is so important. When you take time to replenish your spirit, it allows you to serve others from the overflow. You cannot serve from an empty vessel. – Eleanor Brownn 10. Your mental health is a priority. Your happiness is an essential. Your self-care is a necessity. - Unknown 11. Do something today that your future self will thank you for. – Unknown 12. Our soul is like a soft and gentle flower. It needs to be nurtured, cared for and tended to with sufficient sunlight, fresh air and freedom to bloom into it's most precious and beautiful form. This my friend is self-love. - Miya Yamanouchi 13. You can't pour from and empty cup. Take care of yourself first. – Unknown 14. Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what's left of you. I hope you enjoyed reading these 14 Self-Care Quotes and that you let them Inspire you to take some time out for yourself. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Why I Love My PJ’s and My New Self Care Bedtime Routine!

    Aaahh sleep… I love my sleep, but like so many others I rarely get enough of it. Whether it’s because my mind is too busy to let me sleep or because I’ve woken in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and have woken up far too much to fall instantly back to sleep, or sometimes it’s the dog that wakes me to let me know his aging bladder needs to go out in the garden… again. Whatever the reason I don’t get quite enough sleep I know it has nothing to do with what I am wearing, I used to spend little to no attention to my bedtime wardrobe and I know plenty of others that don’t either. But I discovered that what you wear to bed can make a big difference to your whole sleeping experience, and help you to create a relaxing, calming self care bedtime routine that can literally have life changing effects! I like to wear nice clothes – not necessarily expensive ones, but ones that make me feel good - to work, or when I am out with friends, going to the shopping mall etc. so why is it, that when it’s time to relax and unwind do so many of us just throw on some old track pants, a slightly stained t-shirt and a pair of what used to be fluffy socks that we’ve been meaning to replace for some time? We are basically telling ourselves that it’s important that everybody else gets to see the nice stuff, but when we are alone we aren’t worthy of the good stuff. “Oh… but it’s comfortable” “It does me” “it’s old and familiar”. Are just some of the reasons I’ve been given for sleeping in old leggings and a t-shirt bought at a concert that’s too faded to wear out anymore. Just as what you wear to work can empower you, energise you, make you feel good, get you in the right headspace for the day ahead, what you wear to bed and/or to relax should calm you, comfort you, relax you, and make you feel good about yourself, so you can settle down feeling contented and calm. The beginning of my new self care bedtime routine: I first discovered this when I finally treated myself to a pair of ‘Peter Alexander’ pyjamas. (Peter Alexander’s is a Pyjama store here in Australia, it’s a dedicated store that sells only pj’s, nighties, slippers etc.) They are not cheap, but they had a good sale on, so I decided it was time to indulge my self in this little luxury. Little did I know that this one purchase was going to start a whole chain of events… I felt so good in them, I looked forward to putting them on each night. I started to do other things like, light a scented candle, listen to calming music, have a soft lamp on instead of the main lighting in my room. Before I knew it, my bedroom had changed from being a simple, functional bedroom to a full-on luxury sanctuary. My night-time routine was inducing a state of calmness and relaxation that I had never experienced before… and it all started with my fancy-pants pyjamas. It spilled over to other things too, keeping my ‘sanctuary’ free of clutter, clean, tidy, and organised became a natural thing, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t make my bed in the morning. I love my room more and more each day. Last week, after a hard day’s work I actually found myself letting out a little contented sigh when I came home and opened my bedroom door. I can’t help but feel grateful for this wonderful space, and feeling and expressing gratitude brings us more to be grateful for. It’s created an upward spiral of positivity and feeling good! All this from a set of Pyjamas! Yes, I know how crazy it sounds, but it is all true! If you want to start being kinder to yourself, to start a self-care routine, I can think of no better start than to treat yourself to a really beautiful set of pj’s. It doesn’t have to be expensive and you don’t have to go to a specialist store, I have some great pyjamas from Kmart that have just cost me $5,$10,$15. My criteria for great pj’s are simple: 1. Do I like the style? 2. Do I like the colour/pattern? 3. Do they have the right size for me? 4. Do I like the feel of the fabric against my skin? The first two are pretty basic criteria for most people shopping for clothing, but the thing that takes them from making you feel okay in them to feeling fabulous in them, is not how they look but how they feel on you, so if they don’t fit right or the fabric is stiff or itchy you are never going to relax and feel good in them no matter how pretty they are. These pyjamas had such an impact on me, I had to go out and get some more, I have become a bit of a pro at choosing pyjamas now, I have so many I almost have as much choice as to what to wear to bed as I do to go out each morning. I love shopping for them, it doesn’t matter which store I am in, if they have a pyjama section, I will find my way there. 😂 I’m not suggesting that everyone has to become quite as obsessed as I am with pj’s but, if you are still wearing your old togs to bed, pop out and treat yourself to a comfy, soft, warm, cosy pair of pj’s and see the difference it makes to your life. (p.s don’t forget to pick up some new fluffy socks too) I hope you enjoyed reading Why I Love My PJ’s and My New Self Care Bedtime Routine!, don't forget to Save it to your Pinterest boards for later :) If you would like to read more on self-care click on the links below Put Your Own Oxygen Mask on FIRST!!! And Other Self Care Tips 32 Quotes on How Self-Love and Self-Care Go Hand in Hand Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Fighting Against What You Don’t Want Won’t Bring You What You Do Want!

    If you want to get serious about making changes in your life you need to start getting seriously positive! Focus on the positive things and you’ll get positive changes. Focus on the negative and you’ll get more of the same or worse. But I can’t find a positive! What can I do? You may not be able to find a positive in what you are doing, but the changes you want to make are positive, are they not? Try re-framing your thoughts, words, and yes, even your attitude. Let’s use an example: Suppose you hate your job; you are waking up every workday dreading going in. Your mood is low, your body tense, and your thoughts are overwhelmingly negative. How is any of this going to attract great opportunities to you? Instead of thinking “I can’t wait to leave this place” Try thinking “I can’t wait to start my new job” Think about what you want. When you put all of your energy into something you get more of it – so putting all your thoughts, words and attitude towards a job you hate, you are never gonna get out of there! Putting all of your energy into the new, the positive, the job you want (even if you haven’t found it yet) is going to bring it to you. And yes, I know it sounds like I’m asking the impossible, and I know it’s not easy to stop wishing you didn’t have to go to that place five days a week, with those people or doing that job when you feel so passionate about leaving. The irony is – the more passionate you feel, the more energy you are putting into something that makes you desperately unhappy. Think about the job you want, the type of people you want to work with, the kind of boss you want – or maybe you want to be the boss – put your energies into thinking about that – visualise it, talk about it, let that be what swirls around in your mind. Not many of us are in a position where we can just walk away from a job that is making us unhappy – so what do we do in the meantime? Let go of the anger, resentment, and frustration of what you have. Show up – do your job - whilst reminding yourself to focus and visualise what you do want. You will find it easier to be there when you know that good changes are on their way to you. It may sound too simple – and it is very simple in its concept – but it’s not as easy to implement and I won’t pretend it is. It will take time. You can do this, and the benefits will come if you do. Every time you find yourself with negative thoughts about your job/workplace – take a moment and re-frame it to what you do want. And just in case you think this is all mumbo-jumbo and I’m just sitting in my perfect house with my perfect job and perfect life – please let me reassure you that I didn’t learn this lesson until I was 50 and had been unhappy in my job for more years than I want to admit to! There’s an old saying “life is what you make it” change that up to “your life is what you think it is” and you’ll be on the right track. Have you heard the phrase “what you resist – persists”? If you are resisting anything in your life and it doesn’t just apply to your job, (that was just an example), it will persist in your life. Accept what is, and focus on what you WANT and very soon you will see the difference it makes. The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not in fighting the old, but on building the new. - Socrates I hope you enjoyed reading Fighting Against What You Don’t Want Won’t Bring You What You Do Want! Don't forget to Save this to your Pinterest boards for later :) Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • If Positive Thinking does not work, why is it so many successful people swear by it?

    Positive thinking is far from a new Idea, it was here long before you or I came into being. It is simple in its idea, yet it is life changing when executed well. It will transform your life if you would just let it. There are people that will claim they have tried it, and that it simply doesn’t work, but after how ever many years you have spent thinking negative thoughts about yourself and the world around you, it takes time to transform your thoughts to positive ones. Thinking positive thoughts for one day, is not going to change your whole life around. It is crucial that you allow the time it takes time for you to really believe the new thoughts because it is not until you really believe the positive thoughts and that they become part of you, part of who you are, that the magic will happen. And believe me… the magic will happen. Positive thinking has been promoted over the years by lots of influential people, writers, politicians, lecturers, novelists, sports coaches, psychologists, actors, athletes, artists, businessmen, pioneers etc. Many of the names I am about to share with you have been a big part of my journey, helping to guide me out of the hopeless place I found myself in, showing me the way to build myself up again, to find my path and proving to me there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Some have taught me through their books, their essays or articles I have discovered on my quest. Others just a quote that I happened to stumble upon at the right time in my journey, just one line… that resonated with me, gave me clarity or an understanding that wasn’t there before. Which is why I have included 3 of my favourite quotes from each of these influential people. This list is far from definitive, I will add to it as others who have influenced my journey come to light. Mahatma Gandhi: 1869 – 1948 Mahatma Gandhi - Indian Lawyer, politician, social activist and writer, who became the leader of the nationalist movement against the British rule of India. · Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. · The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. · A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes. William Morris: 1834 – 1896 William Morris - Artist, designer, craftsman, write and socialist who was a revolutionary force in Victorian Britain, dramatically changing the fashions and ideologies of the era. · Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful. · The true secret of happiness lies in taking a genuine interest in all the detail of daily life. · I do not want art for a few anymore then I education for a few, or freedom for a few. Dale Carnegie: 1888 – 1955 Dale Carnegie - American lecturer, author and pioneer in the field of public speaking and the psychology of the successful personality. · Remember – today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. · Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get. · Inaction breeds doubt and fear, action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit at home and think about it, go out and get busy. Ralph Waldo Emerson: 1803 - 1882 Ralph Waldo Emerson - American lecturer, poet and essayist. A philosopher who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century. · To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment. · A man is what he thinks about all day long. · Beware what you set your heart upon. For it surely shall be yours. Louise L Hay: 1926 – 2017 Louise Hay - Author, speaker, soulful teacher, healer and artist. Lousie’s healing techniques and positive philosophy has helped people around the world to create a better life. · You have been criticising yourself for years. And it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. · Every thought we think is creating our future. · The point of power is always in the present moment. Sir Winston Churchill: 1874 – 1965 Sir Winston Churchill - Inspirational statesman, write, orator and leader who led Britain to victory in the second world war. He served as Prime Minister twice; 1940-1945 & 1951-1955. · We are all worms, but I do believe that I am a glow worm. · A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. · Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. Noman Vincent Peale: 1898 – 1993 Norman Vincent Peale - American minister and author known for his work in popularising the concept of positive thinking, through his bestselling book ‘The Power of Positive Thinking’. · Change your thoughts – change your world. · It is always too early to quit. · Become a posibilitarian, no matter how dark things seem to be or actually are, raise your sights and see possibilities – always see them, for they are always there. Mark Twain: 1835 – 1910 Mark Twain - American humourist, journalist, lecturer and novelist. He transcended the apparent limitations of his origins to become a popular public figure and one of America’s best and most beloved writes. · Keep away from people who belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too can become great. · Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear – not absence of fear. · Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see. Vince Lombardi: 1913 – 1970 Vince Lombardi - American football player, coach and executive in the NFL (Notional Football League). Won 5 NFL championships, including Superbowl’s I & II during his tenure with the Green Bay Packers. · Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection, we can catch excellence. · Winner never quit and quitters never win. · People who work together will win, whether it be against complex football defenses, or the problems of modern society. Abraham Maslow: 1908 – 1970 Abraham Maslow - American psychologist and philosopher best known for his self-actualisation theory of psychology and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. He was a major contributor in the US humanistic psychology. · In any given moment we have two options: to step forward into growth or step back into safety. · If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail. · If you plan on being anything less that you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life. Napoleon Hill: 1883 – 1970 Napoleon Hill - American self-help author. His book ‘Think and Grow Rich” – 1937 – is among the ten best-selling self-help books of all time. · The starting point of all achievement is desire. · Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. · Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success. Carl R. Rogers: 1902 – 1987 Carl R. Rogers - A Humanistic psychologist who believed that every person could achieve their goals, wishes and desires in life. · The curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I can change. · The only person that is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change. · What I am is good enough if only I would be it openly. Albert Einstein: 1879 – 1955 Albert Einstein - German American physicist who developed the special and general theories of relativity and won the Nobel prize for physics in 1921. · Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. · No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. · Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Sir Richard Branson: 1950 – Sir Richard Branson - British business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist. In 1970’s he founded the Virgin group which controls over 400 companies in various fields. · You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and by falling over. · My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you're moving forward. · Respect is how you treat everyone, not just those you want to impress. W. Clement Stone: 1902 – 2002 W. Clement Stone - American businessman and philanthropist. He espoused, what he called P.M.A (positive mental attitude) as the key to achievement and wealth. · Aim for the moon. If you miss you may hit a star. · Be careful of the environment you choose for it will shape you; be careful of the friends you choose for you will become like them. · Success is achieved and maintained by those who try and keep trying. Walt Disney: 1901 – 1966 Wal Disney - American motion picture, television producer and showman. Pioneer of animated cartoon films and creator of cartoon characters such as Micky Mouse and Donald Duck. Creator of the Disneyland Amusement Park. · It’s kind of fun to do the impossible. · If you can dream it, you can do it. · Why worry? If you have done the best you can, worrying won’t make it any better. Plato: 428/427-348/347BCE Plato - Ancient Greek philosopher, student of Socrates and teacher of Aristotle. Founders of the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the western world. · Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow. · Courage is knowing what not to fear. · The beginning is the most important part of the work. Nick Ornter: 1978- Nick Ortner - New York Times bestselling author and creator of ‘The Tapping Solution’. · Too often we are ruled by everything that's wrong with us as opposed to everything that is right with us. · Once your negative emotions, beliefs and expectations have been processed and released, you're free to feel positive again. · All too often the opinions of others cloud our instincts an intuition. You know what's right for you. It's just a matter of getting quiet enough to hear your inner truth. Shhh… can you hear it? Eleanor Roosevelt: 1884– 1962 Eleanor Roosevelt - American First Lady, wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt. As a United Nations diplomat and humanitarian, she was a widely respected and powerful woman. · I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday. · No one can make you feel inferior without your permission. · You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. Benjamin Franklin: 1706 – 1790 Benjamin Franklin - born in 1706 and was one of the foremost founding fathers and helped draft the declaration of independence. He was a writer, scientist, inventor, statesman and diplomat and is remembered for the wit. Wisdom and elegance of his writing. · A house is not a home unless it contains food and fire for the mind as well and the body. · Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. · Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes. Brendon Burchard: 1977 – Brendon Burchard - World no 1 high performance coach and New York Times best-selling author. · Take your M.E.D.S - Meditate, Exercise, Diet, Sleep. · Doubt increases with inaction. Clarity revels itself in momentum. Growth comes from progress. For all these reasons, BEGIN. · That dream in your heart is not a frilly distraction, a ridiculous idea, a muted hope. It is a solid purpose; it is a righteous plan; it is a trumpet. I hope you enjoyed these positive thinking quotes as much as I do, don't forget to pin them to your Pinterest boards for later :) Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • Positive Thinking and Why the Doubters Say it Doesn’t Work

    Positive thinking is by no means a new concept, it has been around for hundreds… even thousands of years. There are quotes on the subject from Marcus Arelius, Plato, Socrates. There are quotes from Buddha, Tzu Lao, from Abraham Lincoln, Eleanor Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Albert Einstein. The list goes on and on and on. The people in the list above and many, many others who have all understood the power of positive thinking are counted as some of the greatest minds to have ever graced our planet, so why are so many people still doubting whether there is any truth in it at all? I have my theories which I will share with you today… 1. It can be difficult to master. Training yourself to think positively is harder than it sounds. Changing your thinking pattern to a positive one takes time and it takes effort, mental effort is very taxing which is why most people just let their mind wander with previous thoughts and go over things that have happened. People start and when they don’t succeed in the first few days or weeks they give up and claim it doesn’t work. As Henry Ford once said – Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason few people engage in it. 2. It can be harder than you realise to distinguish positive from negative. If you ask people if they are positive, most will say yes, but when you listen to what they talk about and the words they use, they are nowhere near as positive as they think they are. If you are complaining about anything, even if it’s about someone doing the wrong thing, it’s negative. People can get very defensive when they find out saying negative things in a positive way is not positive, it’s passive aggressive. 3. Taking responsibility for you own life. This is the big one, the tough one. This is the one that really upsets people. “What so it’s my fault is it?” “I asked for all this crap in my life did I?” etc.etc. Short answer: Yes. Long answer: Unconsciously you did. It was probably part of your childhood programming; we are all being programmed by the people and things around us from the day we are born. That is where we get our self-worth, our self-esteem, out self-beliefs our morals etc. We took them all on as a child, and it created our life as we know it. It was all in us, we attracted the right or wrong people into our lives based on our beliefs and our thoughts. That’s what we mean by taking responsibility. It may not be what we wanted, but we had those belief and thoughts, and by accepting that, it means you can now change them into the ones that will help you get the life you want. Until you accept that you had control you cannot take control and change it for the better. The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. – Carl Rogers I found a book in my local library called – ‘a brief guide to self-help classics’ being a self-help writer and enthusiast I decided to take a look, he ripped into all of the books based on positive thinking, saying the writers had all blamed the people for bringing it onto themselves, making them feel bad about themselves. I feel the need to address this as - blame is very negative and serves no-one and no truly positive thinker would ever encourage anyone to pass ’blame’ to anyone, even to themselves. It is not about blame, it’s about acceptance of where you are and how you got here, because that is how you get to move on and create the life you want. Let me ask you this… if you believe that you have no control of your life why you are trying to change it. That’s the whole point of growth and change and why self-help books are so popular because deep down we know we have the ability to change and to take control, and we can’t take control until we take responsibility. And then there is the ones that go the other way and think that positive thinking is pretending that everything is alright all the time. That’s toxic positivity. Not to be confused with positive thinking. Toxic positivity is not promoted by positive thinkers, or advocates of positive thinking. No-one ever gained anything by pretending that everything is ok when it is not. I am speaking from my own experience, I spent far too many years pretending that I was ok, that my life was ok and it took me to a very sad, lonely, depressed place. It was then I discovered Positive Thinking (and therapy) and I have never looked back. Positive thinking is focusing on the solutions, on finding the answers, on finding the easier way of doing things, it’s being kind to everyone even those who aren’t, its spreading happiness, it’s helping others, it’s being grateful for the good in your life (even when there is bad stuff too). It’s finding the positive in situations, not ignoring the negative. It’s having to tools and strength to deal with whatever life throws at you. It’s about self-care and self-love and believing in yourself and not worrying what anyone else thinks about you. It’s about finding you and being true to you, it’s following your passion, and being the best version of you, you can be. One of the many wonderful things about positive thinking is that you have absolutely nothing to lose if you try it. What’s the worst that can happen, you have a few good thoughts, you look at something differently, try something new… If you want to get on board and start your positive thinking journey, you can order a copy of my book by clicking here I Hope you enjoyed reading Positive Thinking and Why the Doubters Say it Doesn’t Work, don't forget to Save this to your Pinterest boards for later :) Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. And remember… you are better than you think you are xx Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

  • 27 Mahatma Gandhi Quotes to inspire a peaceful, calm, and authentic life.

    Mahatma Gandhi is known for his peaceful approach to violence, and his ability to forgive those who had wronged him. Here are 27 of Mahatma Gandhi's quotes to inspire us to do the same. 1. You must be the change you want to see in the world. 2. Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love. 3. Silence is the best answer to anger. 4. The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 5. Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. 6. A ‘no’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble. 7. The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. 8. To believe in something and not live it is dishonest. 9. You can't change how people treat you or what they say about you. All you can do is change how you react to it. 10. If I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning. 11. Strength does not come from a physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. 12. In a gentle way, you can shake the world. 13. The future depends on what we do in the present. 14. I will not allow anyone to walk in my mind with dirty feet. 15. Look at the sparrows; they do not know what they will do in the next moment. Let us literally live from moment to moment. 16. Where there is love there is life. 17. You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. 18. Our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world as being able to remake ourselves. 19. Relationships are based on four principles: respect, understanding, acceptance and appreciation. 20. My life is my message. 21. Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny. 22. Without action, you aren’t going anywhere. 23. If we want to reach peace in this world, we should start educating children. 24. When you are right, you have no need to be angry. When you are wrong, you have no right to be angry. 25. An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind. 26. Man should forget his anger before he lies down to sleep. 27. Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever. I hope you enjoyed these quotes and found them as inspiring as I do. Please don't forget to Save them to your Pinterest boards for later :) Drop in to my Etsy store Positive Life by Design for great printables to help you on your journey. Remember, you are better than you think you are xx Don't forget to follow us on Instagram @positivethinkingbeginners Facebook Positive Thinking For Beginners ( Twitter PositiveT4Begin Pinterest PT4Beginners

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